Blood Acidity vs. Alkalinity In addition to stimulating muscle growth viabranched chain amino acids, the Paleo Diet for Athletes simultaneously prevents muscle protein breakdown because it produces a net metabolic alkalosis. All foods, upon digestion, report to the kidney as either acid or alkali (base). The typical American diet is net acid producing because of its high reliance upon acid-yielding grains,cheeses and salty processed foods at the ex-pense of base-producing fruits and veggies. The athlete’s body is even more prone to blood acidosis due to the by-products of exer-cise. One way the body neutralizes a net acid producing diet is by breaking down muscle tissues. Because the Paleo Diet for Athletes is rich in fruits and veggies, it reverses the metabolic acidosis produced from a typical grain- andstarch-laden athlete’s diet and thereby preventsmuscle loss.
Acidity of Nuts (article)
Fats vs. Fatty Acids (article)